International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Work-Family Conflict, Marital Satisfaction and Marital Stability among Malaysian Chinese Dual-Earner Couples

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There has been a steady increase in the rate of involvement of women in the labour workforce in Malaysia. The traditional male-breadwinner-female-homemaker model which is consistent with the Confucian value is being challenged as more families are shifting toward a dual-earner model. When both husband–and-wife work to contribute financially for the family, they are required to balance up between work and family. Malaysian Chinese is the largest minority group in Malaysia and experienced the highest prevalence of work-family conflict. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the relationships between work-family conflict (work-to-family and family-to-work conflict) with marital satisfaction and marital stability. A total of 134 couples (n = 268) participated in this study. Results revealed significant correlations between work-family conflict with marital satisfaction and marital stability except for wife’s work-to-family conflict and marital stability. The findings showed that marriages among dual-earner couples experiencing high levels of work-family conflict are at a higher risk of marital dissolution and a lower level of marital satisfaction. Further discussions and implications of the findings are reported in the article.
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In-Text Citation: (San & Juhari, 2021)
To Cite this Article: San, L. M., & Juhari, R. (2021). Work-Family Conflict, Marital Satisfaction and Marital Stability among Malaysian Chinese Dual-Earner Couples. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 497-509.