Economic disadvantage disproportionately affects B40 households with income shocks. This paper aims to analyse the effects of financial well-being on 428 respondents from B40 households in Selangor districts using non-probability sampling (purposive stratified sample). SPSS Version 26 was used to perform regression analyses to determine factors influencing financial behaviour, financial stress, and locus of control. The fitness of the financial well-being model indicated an R-square value of 0.386. The model explained 38.6 per cent of the variances in financial well-being. Financial well-being was explained by the model's factors comprising financial behaviour, financial stress, internal and external locus of control. Model indicated (F = 65.70; p = .000) were valid models based on the ANOVA output. Financial behaviour and internal locus of control were shown to positively impact financial well-being; whereby financial stress was negatively influencing financial well-being. Financial stress occurs when a person's financial resources are insufficient to meet basic financial needs. Henceforth, those under a lot of financial stress must engage in proper financial activities to be more financially independent. In conclusion, ensuring responsible practices, including excellent financial behaviour practices, strong financial stress management, and high internal locus of control strengthened would assist households in completing their financial management.
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In-Text Citation: (Magli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Magli, A. S., Sabri, M. F., Rahim, H. A., & Othman, M. A. (2021). Influence of Financial Behavior, Financial Stress and Locus of Control on Financial Well-Being among B40 Households in Selangor During the Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 442– 460.
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