The Covid-19 pandemic is a health crisis that has been affecting the world since December 2019. The death toll that keeps spiking up day by day has led the government to take precautions in schools in order to ensure students’ health and safety. The temporary closure of various educational institutions including universities, schools and kindergartens has given a significant impact on our education system. This unprecedented situation has resulted in the transition of the face-to-face teaching method to virtual learning. This literature review focuses on the use of gamification as a tool for language learning and teaching, specifically for the educators and learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) in conducting virtual lessons in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the impacts and challenges of the utilisation of gamification tools in the virtual classrooms conducted due to Covid-19 pandemic have been identified as a way to enhance ESL virtual classrooms through improvements in the method of teaching for students’ educational development with regard to ESL knowledge.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, S. K. S., Kamaruddin, S. M., Yunus, M. M., & Hashim, H. (2021). The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Gamification within ESL Virtual Classrooms: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 254–262.
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