Digitalization takes up a stronghold across all fields in the world including teaching and learning. In line with that, an attempt was made to introduce an innovative method in connecting the younger generations’ reading skill with WhatsApp, the current trend of social media. Reading skill acts as one of the imperative language skills to ace the English language. The lower elementary international school students, who originated from non-English background countries, battle and confront trouble in reading due to their low proficiency in the language. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the use of Apptone (voice messages) to improve students’ reading skill and enhance the students’ motivation towards reading skill. Apptone learning through WhatsApp was designed and executed among 29 lower elementary international school students who are from China, Japan, Yemen, Sudan and Jordan. This attempt has been carried out at an international school situated in Selangor. The teacher sent short stories to the parents via the WhatsApp group and the stories were read by the students. Then, the recorded version was sent to the teacher personally via the same platform. Subsequently, this attempt has successfully increased the students’ interest and motivation in reading while the findings indicated the improvement of the students’ reading skill. In conclusion, Apptone learning is an encouraging yet beneficial method for lower elementary international students in enhancing their reading skill.
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In-Text Citation: (Moses et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Moses, R. N., Paneerselvam, A., Yunus, M. M., Hashim, H., & Hashim, H. U. (2021). Enhancing Reading Skill Through Apptone Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 227–236.
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