In an emergency incident time is of the crucial factor, and the basic philosophy of an emergency response agency is to respond as quickly as possible to minimize the loss of life and property damage. Emergency response operations are very important activities in the oil and gas industrial areas. As an incident in an integrated facility at oil and gas industrial area can have considerable major economic and social impact, response to such an incident must be provided in a very short time. The use of parameters plays an important role in the successful implementation of emergency response. This case study considered configuration emergency response time parameters at an integrated facility. Therefore, to predict the response time consideration must be given to the characteristics of emergency response parameters, its effectiveness and efficiency. The decisions for such emergency responses to integrated facility should consider the available emergency resources, and other factors such as emergency responders’ competency, fire protection and fire detection system, and the characteristics of surrounding affected industrial facilities. Pilot Test results showed that the top five most parameters affecting emergency response time at the case study of oil and gas integrated facility were namely location, competency, road access, emergency vehicle and frequent drill/exercise. Other analyses resulted that emergency drills and exercises parameter shall be critically examined. Drills constitute a simultaneous and comprehensive test of emergency plans, staffing levels, personnel training, procedures, facilities, equipment, and materials. Having this process, the company able to improve emergency preparedness and response management and aligned with crisis management protocol by government authority.
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In-Text Citation: (Bujang et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bujang, Z. Bin, Ibrani, M., Adam, N. M., Kamarudin, S., & Marzuki, O. F. (2021). Identification of Parameters Required to Reduce Emergency Response Time for An Integrated Facility. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 41–59.
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