International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Self-Efficacy in Career Decision Making and Outcome Expectation among Final Year Students

Open access
The employability of graduates in the field of employment is a government agenda to ensure that the unemployment rate can be reduced. Following that, various parties have implemented different ways to help graduates find employment. Although efforts have been made, there are a few graduates in Science, Arts and Social Sciences, and Information and Communication Technology who are still lacking in making career decisions, so that they fail to make good career considerations. To overcome this problem, the main goal of the analysis is to provide insight into the student’s self-efficacy in career decision-making and their outcomes expectations. This study obtained 765 final-year students at one university in Malaysia. The result showed that there is a significant difference in students’ self-efficacy in career decision-making and their outcomes expectations based on faculty. The results of this study have significant implications for experts engaged in the field of career development or university counselors to make sure final-year students in certain fields have more confidence to face the labor market.
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