The research of co-creation within the framework of higher education is undermined by a lack of limitation. This research examined the influence of student value co-creation on student loyalty, utilizing the Service-Dominant Logic model. Judgmental sampling was employed to choose samples for the present research. A total of 314 participants from six private HEIs located in Kuala Lumpur. The research utilized bootstrapping to investigate the correlation between student value co-creation and student loyalty, with institutional brand equity as the mediator. The results showed a direct relationship between student loyalty, institutional brand equity, and student value co-creation. Institutional brand equity acts as a favorable mediating factor between student value co-creation and student loyalty. The implications of these findings were discussed and crucial to thoroughly investigate a variety of sectors that require further improvement in future research. The present research is limited by its narrow survey methodology, which may have excluded certain data that is pertinent. The study's originality comes from examining how student value co-creation contributes to institutional brand equity and student loyalty in the Malaysian PHEIs industry. This study provides fresh perspective to the literature by elucidating the factors that influence student loyalty and institutional brand equity.
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