International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


To What Extent the Motivations System in the Jordanian Ministry of Health Achieved its Objectives

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The purpose of this study was to what extent the motivations system in the Jordanian ministry of health achieved its objectives (improved the employees performance, decreased the turnover rate, increased employees satisfactions, and increased the quality of medical services), in order to achieve this goal, a questionnaire were designed. It consists (50) clauses reflect all the variables, the study sample (400) from all the employees in the Jordanian Ministry of Health (J.M.O.H). Grynbach constancy coefficients reached 79%; Percentages, Means, standard deviation, (ANOVA), and leaner regressions analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The study found that; the motivations system in the Jordanian ministry of health achieved some objectives (improved the employees performance, and increased employee's satisfactions), and didn’t achieved the other objectives (decreasing the turnover rate, and increased the quality of medical services). The study also found there is a difference in the employee's satisfactions on motivation system due to gender, marital status, age, and experience; on the other hand there is a statistically significant in the satisfaction degree on motivations system among workers groups in the ministry of health (doctors, nurses, paramedical, management and finance, and engineering and technical professions).