Despite the increasing interest in the concept of brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand image, and brand competitiveness in a restaurant setting and its operational aspects, there has been very little research looking at the association of brands with hotel restaurant setting in particular. In this sense, the influence of hotel restaurant walk-in customer brand personality on their post behaviour intention has not yet holistically been investigated. With this gap, the present study empirically investigated the causal relationship between the five-star, walk-in customer brand personality and their post-purchase behaviour. In achieving the outcomes, a causal research design using a quantitative approach was used, and the walk-in customers who were patronage of the selected five-star hotel restaurants in the Klang Valley were chosen as the sample for this study. Through drop-off and collect approach adopted for the administration, 482 usable questionnaires were successfully collected. The results revealed that customer brand personality has a strong influence on the walk-in customer as well as the post-purchase behaviour intention.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, T. A. T., Zahari, M. S., Suhartanto, D., Kutut, M. Z., & Hadi, H. A. (2021). Influence of Customer Brand Personality in Hotel Restaurant and Post Behaviour Intention. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(13), 294–303.
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