We examined the relationships between the determinants that affect consumer’s use of food delivery apps. Using an extended flow theory model, we explored consumers’ experiences in purchasing delivery food through mobile apps. We distributed a self-administered questionnaire online and used structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. We found that consumer experience (web and digital) had a significant effect on buying intention behavior. The empirical findings show that consumers’ experience has significant effect on buying behavior when using the application. Consumer experience in term of the usability, interactivity and aesthetic of the web positively affects food delivery apps buying intention behavior. Further, this study finds that consumers had experience buying from the website are based on the functionality rather than psychology and content factors. Furthermore, digital experience demonstrates a stronger effect on buying behavior with more experience using the food delivery application. This study is one of the early studies to investigate the role of consumer experience. In addition, we find that in user’s first interaction with food delivery apps, web experience (usability, interactivity, aesthetic) and digital experience has a larger impact on their buying intention behavior.
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In-Text Citation: (Isa et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Isa, N. F., Yusof, N. M. Y., Akhir, I. M., & Osman, S. (2021). The Effect of Consumer Experience on Food Delivery Apps. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(17), 274–283.
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