International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Intention of Restaurants’ Patronage to Use Calories Information on Making Meal Selection

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With the extending growth of restaurants’ profiles and lifestyle urbanization that triggered the urge of patrons to eat out, food consumption of an individual has grown to rely on restaurant providers. Consequently, Malaysians aged 18 and above have been consuming extra calories than they supposed to on a daily basis. The fact that they habitually misjudged calories amount in outside foods explained how they set off tendency to over eat. Relating to restaurants’ menus, calorie information is crucial as one of the desired guidance in assisting restaurant patrons to decide on meal selections. The relationship between Application of Theory of Planned Behavior elements that are attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control were assessed between the intentions to make use of calories information in selecting meal at a restaurant. A self-completed questionnaires were distributed among 76 overall respondents through a convenience sampling method across Klang Valley. Findings discovered that attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control proven to be statistically significant with intention to make use of calories information in restaurants’ menu. The most effective influencer were, behavioral control, followed by subjective norms and attitudes. Evidently, it is part of public health priority to help consumers in making healthier choices when eating out, as postings of calorie information on menus may increase transparency on decision making.
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In-Text Citation: (Suhaimi & Jipiu, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Suhaimi, P. N., & Jipiu, L. B. (2021). Intention of Restaurants’ Patronage to Use Calories Information on Making Meal Selection. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(13), 145–163.