This paper aims to investigate the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of RCO usage of restaurant operators in the capital city of Shah Alam. In addition, to investigate the quality of cooking oil used by these restaurant operators, samples of cooking oil are collected and tested using established cooking oil quality parameters. Cooking oil quality can be measured by Total Polar Compound (TPC) and Acid Value (AV) tests. Testo 270 is a tool that helps to determine the concentration level of degraded products in cooking oil and can be used to evaluate the TPC level in cooking oil. 3M Long range shortening monitor (LRSM) is a test strip that measures the free fatty acid (FFA) levels in cooking oil. These two rapid test kits enable cooking oil quality to be measured quickly by analysing their chemical parameters. High TPC and FFA value indicate that the quality of cooking oil is harmful for consumption. This article aims to highlight the level of restaurant operators’ KAP towards usage of RCO, and KAP association with the quality of cooking oil used.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, A. A., Issa, Z. M., & Abdullah, N. (2021). Restaurant Operators’ Level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Towards Reheated Cooking Oil (RCO) in Association with Total Polar Compound (TPC) and Acid Value (AV). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(13), 107–115.
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