International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Customers’ Perception on Malaysian Street Food Quality

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In a developed country like Malaysia, street food is an important culture that not only provide the means for income generation to the people, it is also a crucial part of culinary scene. However, over the years problem with foodborne illnesses involving this type of business has been identified as one of the main culprits, nevertheless the consumers still view street food as an essential provider for their daily meals. This study is conducted to identify the factors that influence Malaysian perceived quality regarding street food. A survey questionnaire among customers at three Pasar Malam has been undertaken with a total of 100 respondents where all the data were found usable. The survey was conducted at Kampung Baru Night, Taman Connaught and Little India, Brickfield. The results from descriptive analysis revealed that most of the respondents believe cleanliness is the most important factor in choosing the stall. The outcome also indicated that organization of the stalls will sway their decision in buying foods from certain vendors. Meanwhile service and the healthiness of the food offers is the least of their concern among these four factors.
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In-Text Citation: (Hanan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hanan, F. A., Sadri, N. B., & Yusup, N. Q. B. (2021). Customers’ Perception on Malaysian Street Food Quality. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(13), 68–80.