The growth of technologies is transforming countless economic or business activities. This situation is offering greater competence and expediency to customers and businesses, and the evolution in technology without an exception of restaurant industry has played a vibrant role in changing customers’ satisfaction. towards self-service kiosk in Quick Service restaurants (QSRs). Thus, the application of technology in businesses is a worthy gain in attracting the customers since most customers nowadays are technology-oriented. The technology based self-service kiosk allows customers to facilitate the ordering process without or with minimal help from service providers. There are four key factors of self-service kiosk that may impact the customer satisfaction specifically ordering speed, convenience, menu design and accuracy order in this study setting. Therefore, this study is to examine the relationship between features of self-service kiosk and customer satisfaction. A quantitative cross-sectional research design was chosen particularly in QSRs in Klang Valley. The results indicated that customer satisfaction was directly influenced by ordering speed, convenience, menu design and order accuracy towards self-service kiosk for QSRs. These findings provide theoretical and practical implications for future studies and offers concrete direction for other business entities to consider adopting the self-service kiosk in their commercial operations.
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In-Text Citation: (Shahril et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shahril, Z., Zulkafly, H. A., Ismail, N. S., & Sharif, N. U. N. M. (2021). Customer Satisfaction Towards Self-Service Kiosks for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) in Klang Valley. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(13), 49–67.
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