Kitchen is a highly utilize space within a hotel and it is critical to practice ergonomic organization when operating at this area. Poorly planned kitchen layout affects the efficiency and productivity of daily operation, while causing physical hazards to operational employees in the long run. Due to the importance of maintaining employees’ wellbeing, this paper aims to measure the awareness and the importance of practicing ergonomics among kitchen personnel in the hotel industry. Through quantitative research approach, a total of 27 kitchen personnel from different five-star hotels in Kuala Lumpur were analyzed. This study revealed that most respondents are aware about ergonomics and agreed that practicing ergonomics is essential to prevent fatigue at work. Limitations and propositions from this study are highlighted to guide future research. Overall, understanding the awareness and importance of practicing ergonomics is hoped to promote a safe and conducive work environment among kitchen personnel while nourishing existing literature relevant to ergonomics kitchen organization.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, F. H., Osman, S., & Rahman, F. B. A. (2021). Ergonomics Kitchen: A Better Place to Work. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(13), 39–48.
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