This paper emphasizes the contemporary transnational migration happening in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Quebec (Canada), demonstrating how social living of individuals migrating either to Kuala Lumpur or to Quebec due to high skilled jobs offers and marital reasons, impacting policy implementations in the country. This paper also explains the perspectives that influences relationship between the natives and immigrants. On the other hand, states take up immigration issues for reasons of political legitimacy to reassert their stance as guardians of their national boundaries by disallowing dual citizenship in some nations such as Malaysia. Thus, a comparative analysis has been made between Kuala Lumpur and Quebec to encounter the causes and factors by questioning the social cohesion and acceptance of diversity in both locations through questionnaire and desktop research respectively. This paper briefed that the current contemporary migration is also indirectly adding up consciousness towards environmental safety and job opportunities in new emerging sectors. The immigration phenomenon in Kuala Lumpur saying that the demand for high skilled immigrants within the country directing new norms and cultural adaptation. A similar situation has been recorded in Quebec, where immigrants are viewed as a non-resistance to economic integration and community building under conditions set by Quebec policy. Therefore, this paper will be analyzing on the circumstances in Malaysia and Canada that increasing several migrants' tendency with no evidence of impact on the countries' present societal cohesion.
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In-Text Citation: (Saidi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Saidi, M. A., Balasuframaniam, M. P., Mohammed, A. A., & Ogunbado, A. F. (2021). Migration Dynamics: Are Independent and Voluntary Migrants in Malaysia & Canada Successful at Different Levels? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(14), 367-378.
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