This study evaluates the factorial validity of the 21-item of ARS-Revised, which assesses the aesthetic perception of Sarawak Iban Pua Kumbu among its potential buyers at Kuching Waterfront and visitors of Sarawak textile museum and Tun Jugah Foundation Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia by using a simple random sampling (N=400). An exploratory factor analysis (principal component analysis, Direct Oblimin rotation) was performed to verify the validity and reliability, indicated a new four-factor structure with the 21-item ARS-Revised with five-point Likert scale from the original six-factor. The four-factor solution explained 69.7% of the total variance. Factor loading of each item reflecting the dimension of the four factors, namely; Knowledge and information and the relation of one have on Pua Kumbu, Historical art knowledge, the technical skills in the making and the attraction towards Pua Kumbu, Ability to process information depending on one’s knowledge (cognitive stimulation) and Positive attraction towards Pua Kumbu. The overall Cronbach’s alpha was high, ? = .925, indicating that the items has a high internal consistency. The result obtained has proven that the ARS-Revised had high reliability and factorial validity with a new four factors. This paper highlights the validated and the functional of ARS-Revised with four-factor of 21-item with slight differences in assessing the aesthetic perception of Sarawak Iban Pua Kumbu.
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In-Text Citation: (Wahed et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Wahed, W. J. E., Yusoff, S. B. H., Saad, N., Pitil, P. P. (2021). One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Using Factor Analysis to Gather Validity Evidence When Using Art Reception Survey – Revised (Ars-Revised) On Sarawak Iban Pua Kumbu. International Journal of Academic Research in Busines and Social Sciences. 11(14), 208-217.
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