Poverty as a concept is diverse, assorted, and multidimensional; nevertheless, the basic poverty measurement either the income or consumption methodology is inadequate to explain the multiple deprivations experienced by the poor. Hence, this study aims to construct a multidimensional poverty index of households in Nigeria using Alkire and Foster methodology. Next, this study also examines the determinants of multidimensional poverty among households. Questionnaire was employed to collect data from 432 households, and logit regression is used to assess the determinants of multidimensional poverty. The results show the households is 37 percent impoverished in terms of multidimensional poor; particularly, the living standard dimension. The findings also show higher education results fosters the well-being of the households, on contrary to the high number of children. The results of this study suggest efficient policies regarding general infrastructural development and encouragement of higher educational attainment will greatly contribute to poverty reduction.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohammed & Ab-Rahim, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mohammed, M., & Ab-Rahim, R. (2021). Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty Index of Niger State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(14), 91–103.
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