International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Interpersonal Attraction Traits on Facebook

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Many are using these social media nowadays to enhance the interpersonal relationships, regardless of an existing or a new friend. Facebook users are engaging in numerous ways to initiate or maintain interpersonal relationships, such as increasing the frequency of interactions, improving the quality of communications, and utilizing self-disclosure approaches through displaying interpersonal attraction traits, but do they agree on whether or not to display the traits of interpersonal attraction on Facebook? This study to identify the interpersonal attraction traits, highlighted by Facebook users in order to improve their interaction network through mediated-communication. By using a purposive sampling procedure, a total of 402 respondents who use Facebook, which was invited to fill out a questionnaire on a Google Form. Facebook users agreed that interpersonal attraction traits such as physical attraction, social attraction, extraversion, and popularity, should be highlighted; however, they have to be neutral in highlighting the traits. The findings of this study contribute towards advancing knowledge on reducing uncertainty due to interpersonal attraction traits and to meet the needs for creating a demanding community that facilitate the interactions of people with collective interests for social networking enhancement.
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In-Text Citation: (Bolong & Attan, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bolong, J., & Attan, S. A. (2021). Interpersonal Attraction Traits on Facebook. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(15), 207–221.