The mental model is a psychological factor that can influence the decision-making process. This is a narrative review article and its main objective is to examine potential factors that influence the mental model (decision-making process) of youth fishermen on the use of fisheries technology. Understandably, the youth fishermen face two crucial problems, namely poverty and climate change, and the Malaysian government has launched a range of fisheries innovations such as GPS, echo sounders, and wireless sets to assist them in facing these two issues. Fishing technologies are beneficial, and past studies have shown that use of fisheries technology is very beneficial to the youth fishermen in terms of increasing their income and lessen the risks associated with climate change impacts. In conclusion, mental model will influence the decision-making process of youth fishermen whether to adopt the technology or not. Factors such as experience, knowledge, expertise and belief may have an impact on the fishermen’s mental model.
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In-Text Citation: (Man et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Man, N., Saharrudin, N. F., Samah, A. A., Ahmad, N., & Samsuddin, S. F. (2021). Psychological Factor (Mental Model) That Influencing the Usage of Fishery Technology Among Youth Fishermens: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(15), 199–206.
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