The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the framework to researchers doing research on sexual harassments by forms of media. A conceptual approach, drawing on theoretical framework of cultivation theory, is applied. However, this paper draws a comprehensive review of previous researches that were conducted in the area of news media cultivation. This paper refers to the specific findings of the Pakistani and Malaysian literature to illustrate the research patterns with respect to identifying the relationships between sexual harassments news exposure, knowledge, intolerant attitude, and propensity to act. The paper argues on the literature results and suggestions and highlights a research gap while adding the ‘sexual harassments knowledge’, as an additional variable in the conceptual model. This paper provides potential reviews to conduct future studies in the perspective of media cultivation. News media needs to practice positive and informative content in sexual harassments news coverage that can provides high news exposure that enhances the knowledge, which can reform intolerant attitude with correct behavior. A framework that integrates a theoretical contribution in expanding the uses of cultivation theory in spreading awareness about sexual harassment. The findings of this study provide direction for practice and for future research on the cultivation of sexual harassments content, exposure, and relationships with other variables. The paper intends to encourage researchers to support a theoretical approach and to help practitioners better understand the reasons of tolerant attitude with wrong behavioral intentions while dealing a silent crime.
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In-Text Citation: (Fatima et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Fatima, H., Ghazali, A. H. A., Waheed, M., & Sern, T. J. (2021). A Conceptual Framework of Sexual Harassments News Exposure’s Relationship with Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior in Pakistani and Malaysian Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(15), 42–58.
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