This study is particularly interested in investigating how young tourists perceive and trust Instagram travel influencers and examine what aspects of the Instagram travel influencers’ posts can successfully spark the intention of their followers to visit a destination promoted/recommended. This study employed a quantitative approach using a cross-sectional study employing a non-probability sampling technique. A total of 366 young tourists responded to the questionnaire. This study computed SEM-PLS analysis using SmartPLS3 to test the model fit of the data and to explain the attributes that influence the intention to visit travel destinations among young tourists. Young tourists’ are primarily influenced by the visual appeal, credible content and perceived popularity and engagement from Instagram travel influencers. Instagram travel influencers impact not only the decision-making and motivating travelers, but also on the tourism industry’s marketers or business owners in terms of increased travel marketing potential. Destination marketers using Instagram influencers can utilize the findings of this study to strategize the attributes that lead the tourists to have the travel intention. Also, this study makes recommendations for Instagram travel influencers to incorporate important elements in their posts and stories to be more beneficial for their young followers.
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In-Text Citation: (Anuar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Anuar, F. I., Zaid, A. A. A., Zabidi, I. Z., & Kamal, S. N. J. (2021). Young Tourists’ Trust in Instagram Travel Influencers and their Intention to Visit Travel Destinations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(16), 290–302.
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