This study investigates factors contributing to Airbnb customers’ satisfaction towards property hosts in terms of amenities provided and host-interaction. Airbnb provides personalized experiences and bring out the best of hospitality and to best of the researchers’ knowledge, there is lack of empirical research on satisfaction between local customers and Airbnb hosts. Social media platform was used to distribute a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire, specifically to those who have experienced using Airbnb. A non-probability sampling of convenience and snow-balling method was utilised, and most respondents were leisure travellers. Gathered data were analysed using reliability test, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and hypotheses analysis testing (regression). Results show that minimal law and regulations imposed by hosts; their helpfulness, friendliness and interaction through social media are among factors causing customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, in terms of amenities, a proper lock of each door is considered important, superseding the availability of Wi-Fi and the Internet. However, hypotheses show no significant relationship between hosts’ interactions towards customers’ satisfaction, while there is a significant relationship between amenities provided by the hosts towards customers’ satisfaction. The information obtained is useful, especially when current travel bubble only allows domestic movement, and it is expected that Airbnb would be one domestic travellers’ choice.
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In-Text Citation: (Daud et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Daud, M. H. M., Bete, E., Yussof, N. Y. N., & Aminudin, N. (2021). Domestics Customers’ Satisfaction towards Airbnb Provider. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(16), 146–154.
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