Nowadays, consumers are well educated, diverse and technological-savvy thus it is a challenge to marketers to attract consumers’ attention. Celebrity endorsement has been used to build credibility of the product, make the brand stand out, and open up new markets. Despite that, it is costly and during endorsement period, celebrity image could shine or tarnish the brand of the product. Thus, the study primarily investigates how consumers’ perception and attitudes towards celebrity endorsement influence their purchase intention of celebrity-endorsed food and beverage products in Kuala Lumpur. Survey by mean of self-administered questionnaire through purposive sampling was conducted among 120 respondents, in selected area in Kuala Lumpur. The data collected were then analysed to obtain descriptive statistic, correlation, and multiple linear regression. Purchase intention of celebrity-endorsed food and beverage products was found to be influenced by consumers’ perception and attitudes. The finding indicated that positive perception and attitudes of consumers towards food products with endorsement could encourage repurchases. Food manufacturing companies could consider having celebrity endorsements for their products.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, A. R. A., Najib, N. M., Jaafar, S. N. A., & Mohamed@Naba, M. (2021). Consumers’ Perception, Attitudes and Intention to Purchase Celebrity Endorsed Food and Beverage Products in Kuala Lumpur. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(16), 86–95.
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