Academic hardiness refers to personality characteristics that help individuals deal with academic stress and academic challenges, reducing the probability of dropping out from a program of study before graduation. A high attrition rate has a significant impact on the students’ finance and well-being. This study investigates the relationships between academic hardiness with the academic locus of control (ALOC), tolerance of ambiguity, students’ engagement, and automatic negative thought (ANT) among university students in Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey was conducted by recruiting 94 participants via the purposive sampling method. The participants were Malaysian university students aged 18 to 26 years (M = 21.69 years; SD = 1.90 years). Female participants (n = 58, 55.24%) were slightly more than male participants (n = 47, 44.76%) responded to this survey. The instruments used to collect the data consist of the Academic Hardiness Scale, Academic Locus of Control Scale, Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale, University Students’ Engagement Inventory, and Automatic Negative Thoughts Scale. Finding revealed that ALOC was positively correlated with control, commitment, and challenge components of academic hardiness. Tolerance of ambiguity was found no significant relationship with control, commitment, and challenge components of academic hardiness. University students’ engagement was positively correlated with control, commitment, and challenge components of academic hardiness. ANT was correlated negatively with control and challenge components but no significant relationship commitment components of academic hardiness. Academic hardiness was significantly predicted by ALOC, university students’ engagement, and ANT, but not tolerance of ambiguity. The findings of this study would provide practical insights for university counsellors to handle Malaysian university undergraduates who wish to terminate their study prematurely. Moreover, this study provides exploratory findings on the preventative measures of improving academic hardiness among students at high risk of dropping out
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In-Text Citation: (Tan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Tan, D. C. E., Ho, K. H., & T’ng, S. T. (2021). Increasing Graduation Rate: Academic Hardiness, Academic Locus of Control, Tolerance of Ambiguity, Students’ Engagement and Automatic Negative Thoughts. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(17), 92–112.
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