This research explores the impact of executives' personal characteristics and professional backgrounds on stock price volatility, and investigates whether these factors interact with an MBA background to influence stock performance.This study is based on the high volatility of the global financial markets in China since 2008 to 2024, especially the challenge of how corporate executives can effectively respond to market risks and guard against stock price crashes. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of an executive's MBA background on the risk of stock price collapse through empirical analysis. This study aims to fill thegap on whether an MBA background directly enhances executives' risk management abilities in ways that stabilize or reduce the downside risk of stock prices using regression analysis. The findings are anticipated to advance scholarly understanding of how educational backgrounds, specifically MBA training, shape corporate resilience and risk management practices. In summary, this research seeks to provide actionable insights for executive selection and development, highlighting the tangible contributions of MBA education to fostering corporate stability in volatile financial landscapes.
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