In the modern era, technological developments have contributed to the formation of the concept of a cashless society. Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard payment (QRIS) is used explicitly in Indonesia as the newest innovation in the field of mobile payments, and merchants in various industries widely use it. However, even though statistically, Indonesia did complete its yearly goals of increasing cashless users compared to other developing countries, it still needed to manage to push to its limits. Therefore, this study investigates the factors that motivate merchants to accept QRIS payments through the extended mobile technology acceptance model. This study's quantitative data analysis method is obtained by distributing Google Forms questionnaires. The Final study sample consisted of a total of 291 data. The technique used in this research is non-probability sampling. This technique uses convenience sampling, which collects market research data from several available respondents, namely the micro-merchants that use the QRIS payment application in Batam City. The collected data used is partial least squares for analysis. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that mobile ease of use, usefulness, and perceived cost are crucial aspects that significantly positively affect the intention to use QRIS payment.
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