International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Storytelling in Marketing–A Bibliometric Viewpoint

Open access
As the usage of storytelling become more prevalent in contemporary life, it’s application in marketing is similarly on the rise. Notwithstanding papers written by industry experts, academia has also contributed a significant amount to the literature surrounding storytelling. This paper looks at investigating storytelling within the confines of marketing by reviewing the current status of research – its trends and patterns through the Web of Science (WoS) and VOSViewer analysis tools – in the last twenty-five years from 1998-2023. The analysis found that there was an increasing amount of interest in this area of research in the past 10 years. Research areas continue to be focus on the business, management, and tourism fields, allowing for opportunities in research in many sub-areas within those areas. This paper provides the implications of study, its limitations together with suggestions for forthcoming research.
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