International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction at University Health Centre

Open access
In the past two decades, Malaysia's health industry has substantially transitioned. Customers demand high-quality services from healthcare providers. Customer satisfaction is acknowledged as one of the preferred outcomes of healthcare and is directly related to health services utilisation. This research examines factors influencing customer satisfaction at university health centres against evolving healthcare demands in Malaysia. Through a mixed-method approach, including qualitative problem identification and quantitative analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), 139 surveys were conducted via Google Forms. The findings indicate that staff, physicians, administrative procedures, and waiting time positively and significantly influence customer satisfaction, with waiting time being the most dominant factor. However, facilities did not significantly influence customer satisfaction. The findings highlight the importance of addressing key factors to enhance service quality and meet evolving healthcare needs. Specifically, leveraging insights from the Pareto Theory can aid health centres in prioritising improvements for optimal customer satisfaction and service delivery. This research helps to refine existing models and propose new frameworks that incorporate variables unique to university health centres. These contributions help create a supportive environment for health service within universities and promote better health outcomes.
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