Spiritual leadership (SL) and its relationship or association to organizational commitment (OC) is an important topic for management researchers and practitioners. The purpose and objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research and examine on this novel phenomenon and to encourage scholarly significance and interest. We conducted and performed a scoping evaluation of the current literature on spiritual leadership (SL) and organizational commitment (OC). We examined 14 research studies published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals, A distinctive procedure was utilized to validate and identify eight areas of distinction and/or difference in the previously published research studies on spiritual leadership and organizational commitment. The previously published publications were analyzed in terms of 1) methodology, 2) population, 3) moderators and mediators, 4) data analysis methods, 5) study area research outcomes, 6) research outcomes, and 7) study sector. The findings suggest that there is a beneficial relationship between spiritual leadership (SL) and organizational commitment (OC). This review might be a valuable resource for scholars and researchers interested in spiritual leadership studies.
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