The rapid growth of the Internet has created various business opportunities, such as e-commerce. One of the marketing strategies implemented by e-commerce is flash sales. With the rise of the online shopping lifestyle and the flash sale phenomenon in e-commerce, the author is interested in researching the factors that influence e-commerce users' purchase intentions in flash sales. This quantitative research collected data with an online questionnaire by probability sampling. A total of 320 valid responses were collected. The data was analyzed using PLS-SEM analysis. The results showed that service quality has a significant and positive effect on satisfaction, service quality has a significant and positive outcome on trust, satisfaction has a significant and positive outcome on purchase intention, trust has a significant and positive effect on purchase intention, service quality has no significant outcome on purchase intention, information quality has no significant outcome on purchase intention, and perceived risk has a significant and positive effect on purchase intention. When mediated by satisfaction and trust, service quality has a positive and significant outcome on purchase intention. In conclusion, e-commerce sellers are recommended to improve their service quality to increase consumer’s purchase intention.
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