The development of corporate management is intricately linked to the attributes of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Research indicates that the presence of more female leaders is linked to enhanced decision-making procedures, leading to favourable results for shareholders. Moreover, the attributes of a business executive enhance the overall effectiveness of corporate management. Hence, the objective of this study is to perform a comprehensive examination of how the attributes of a Chief Executive Officer impact their abilities in managing. The research sample comprises 527 non-financial companies that are publicly traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period from 2018 to 2022. Data analysis employs panel data regression techniques and utilizes the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) with the Generalized Least Square (GLS) method. Research indicates that the educational background of a CEO has a substantial influence on their managerial abilities. Nevertheless, the gender of a CEO does not exert any influence on their managerial capabilities. This occurs due to the structural and cultural barriers in Indonesia, where traditional gender roles and patriarchal norms limit the professional advancement of women. This study makes a substantial contribution to our understanding of corporate governance and leadership. It highlights the significance of educational qualifications for business executives and emphasises the necessity of formal education and professional development in fostering capable leaders. It emphasises the importance for policymakers and organisational stakeholders to actively encourage gender inclusivity and diversity in leadership positions
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