International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing Consumer Intention Towards Apartment Purchases among Generation Y in Batam City Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

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The research on factors related to the intention to purchase apartments is crucial for real estate companies, especially amidst uncertain property business development. This study applies the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), expanded to explore the influence of consumer intentions in the city of Batam, particularly among Generation Y, to purchase apartments. In this research, the theory is extended by adding subjective norm variables towards perceived behavior and also perceptions of behavior control indirectly affecting the intention to purchase apartments in the city of Batam. Meanwhile, the relationship between perceived behavior control and subjective norms with purchase intention is statistically calculated. Thus, it can be understood how attitudes towards controlled behavior influence increasing consumer intentions to purchase apartments currently, providing managerial consideration analysis results, especially in depicting the intention to purchase apartments in Batam City by expanding the application of behavioral theory.
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