This research combines three aspects of triangle fraud theory, which are: financial target, nature of the industry, and total accrual to total assets. The audit committee acts as a moderator, weakening the relationship between triangle fraud theory and FFS. The population of this research consists of 30 real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2018 and 2022. Secondary data was collected from the companies' financial/annual reports and financial regulations and practices from leading institutions. Purposive sampling was used in real estate companies in Indonesia to collect 150 analysis units with panel data regression as a method of analysis. The findings of this research show that the REC variable has a strong positive significant influence on FFS. However, the ROA and TATA variables do not affect FFS because the results are insignificant. The audit committee can weaken the relationship between the REC and FFS variables. However, the audit committee cannot eliminate the correlation between ROA and TATA factors with FFS.
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