International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effort to Drink Attractive Coffee: Kopi Ameng Image as a Culinary Tourism Object and Destination

Open access
Drinking coffee while eating and chilling with friends in cafes is quite a trend nowadays where people and youth hang out. Coffee shops that have different kinds of concepts and prices which are affordable according to the economic base and social class in Indonesia can be seen everywhere now. If a café is crowded all the time, then one might wonder why. What lures people to the extent that they go as far as crossing oceans just for a coffee and snacks at Belakang Padang’s Penawar Rindu Island surrounded by ocean hence Kopi Ameng is never left with visitors. The research was studied using a naturalistic qualitative research approach through phenomenological methods. The rationale behind this is that because fieldwork and data collection were conducted under natural settings where information from owners, visitors as well as partners were gathered. In depth data acquisition techniques such as observation, interviews informants snowballing methods or triangulation are applied so that the obtained data can be trusted for accuracy and validity purposes. The study found that most of the visitors to Kopi Ameng were teenagers from Batam City. They considered the products to be delicious and affordable. What attracted them the most was the unique experience of enjoying the dishes served and the sensation of traveling across the ocean to reach that coffee shop. For future studies, it is recommended to conduct quantitative research methods, incorporating independent and dependent variables. This approach would allow for a broader and more diverse pool of respondents.
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