A long-standing issue that impedes organizational innovation and development is a lack of sufficient financial security. Businesses suffer from constrained development as a result, and their edge over competitors in the market is lost. This study investigates the connections between green technology innovation (GTI), environment, social and governance (ESG) performance, and financial access. According to the study's findings, businesses with strong ESG practices may foster the growth of their GTI, preserving their competitive advantages and advancing the long-term sustainable development of their businesses. The findings of the investigation indicate that a favorable relationship between improved corporate value and GTI and strong ESG performance may exist through a funding mechanism. It is further established that companies that value ESG performance have better GTI potential, gain rare core competitiveness, and further enhance corporate value while maintaining competitive advantages. Based on these results, the study recommends that commercial enterprises pay attention to the needs of corporate stakeholders and formulate detailed ESG action plans. The company's development strategy should consider ESG performance, and management should consider tightly tying ESG initiatives to GTI. The government ought to make an effort to give businesses the necessary financial backing, policy direction, and incentives.
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