International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Quality: A Related Literature Review

Open access
Issues concerning women's inequality in society and business in particular and their inclusion in board decision-making have generated a lot of debate and research. Women are traditionally considered unsuitable to hold top positions because of their differing viewpoints. These and other related issues encourage research to be conducted within the context of gender diversity in corporate governance setting and their contribution to corporate performance. This paper collected, reviewed, and analysed prior literature from journals, e-resources, and the internet related to gender diversity in corporate governance and developed a model. The study presents past empirical evidence from both developed and developing economies on the contribution of women in firm performance and financial reporting quality (FRQ). Findings revealed that the majority of the research on gender diversity and FRQ centered on audit committees, audit quality, board size, board leadership, and organizational culture. Similarly, other findings showed inconclusive and mixed findings. The study intends to contribute to existing knowledge on board gender diversity and financial reporting quality and provide a research agenda for future studies.
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