International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Factors that Improve Employee Performance through Human Capital as a Mediating Variable in Coffee Shop Franchises in Batam City

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In this study, seleadership andre at the root of improving performance through human capital in franchise coffee shops in Batam, such as training, intellectual capital, knowledge management, transformational leadership, and enhancing skills. This research population is all employees working in franchise coffee shops in Batam City. The coffee shop population consists of Kopi Kenangan with 35 employees, Janji Jiwa with 84 employees, Menantea with 10 employees, Kopi Lain Hati with 8 employees, and Fore Coffee with 30 employees. Researchers chose this coffee shop because it is a coffee shop franchise with more than 1 branch and is well-known in Batam City. Training after being accepted gets training with company standards. Only to improve employee skills to a higher level is optional now. The company needs to analyze the needs of its employees before training. Companies engaged in the service sector are very concerned with soft skills training to improve the quality of service to consumers. Teamwork, leadership, and attitude towards consumers are essential to this training.
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