This study evaluates the effectiveness of a Tamil story writing learning module guided by the 5E Inquiry Learning Model among Tamil primary school students in Malaysia. The research focuses on the validity and reliability of a questionnaire developed to assess the module’s impact on students' language proficiency and cognitive development. The module integrates culturally relevant storytelling with the 5E model phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. A panel of five experts reviewed the questionnaire for content and language validity, resulting in a high Content Validity Index (CVI) of 0.91. Additionally, a pilot study with 30 Tamil language teachers from Selangor tested the reliability of the instrument, yielding a strong Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.864, confirming its internal consistency. The findings highlight the potential of combining story writing with inquiry-based learning to enhance Tamil language education, addressing challenges such as limited resources and teacher training in vernacular schools. The study emphasizes the need for innovative teaching strategies to improve student engagement, critical thinking, and language retention. Future research should focus on the long-term impacts of this educational approach and explore its potential to enhance other cognitive skills such as creativity and problem-solving.
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