International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Customer Loyalty and Profitability in Improving the Restaurant Industry: The Role of Employee Participation

Open access
Service quality is an essential component of success in food and beverage establishments, where customer expectations must be met or exceeded to build long-term loyalty. While it is well established that customer satisfaction influences loyalty, limited research has specifically addressed how staff behaviors and hygiene directly impact customer loyalty in casual dining settings. For this study, it aims to connect the gap by discovering the role of employees in the restaurant in the context of service delivery (service quality, waiting time, accuracy), staff attitudes and hygiene (communication skills, professionalism, cleanliness, grooming), and product knowledge (accuracy, confidence, situational awareness) in fostering customer loyalty. The research identifies key issues such as the influence of staff attentiveness and hygiene on customer satisfaction, an area that has been understudied in the context of casual dining. A random sampling approach was employed, gathering data from 118 dine-in customers at The Case Restaurant to capture real-time perceptions of service quality and staff interactions. The findings of this study are valuable for business owners aiming to optimize their service strategies, employees seeking professional development, and customers desiring improved dining experiences. Additionally, the study supports broader goals of promoting sustainable practices and economic resilience in the food and beverage industry by demonstrating the utility of targeted employee training and engagement.
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