To maintain high quality education services while also achieving social goals, public universities need to take a business approach. In order to compete, universities must adopt a customer-centric approach that includes understanding students' perceptions of service quality and satisfaction. Students are regarded as the most important determinant of service success in higher education institutions. Student satisfaction with educational services is highly abstract and varies greatly based on personal perceptions, thus valid and reliable evaluations are required to assess and improve service quality. This study aims to evaluate the quality of services in Higher Education Institutions using the HEISQUAL approach. Data analysis of 449 students of a public university was conducted using several methods such as descriptive statistics, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), and PLS-SEM. Results show that aspects such as Safety and Security, Employment, Student Skill Development, Infrastructure and Facilities, and Support Staff and Management have a significant impact on overall Student Satisfaction, while no impact is shown from Lecturer Profiles and Curriculum.
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