International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence of E-Service Quality, Brand Image, Price Competitiveness, Product Quality, and Subscription Plan on Repurchase Intention (Case Study of Generation Y and Z Mobile Operator Users)

Open access

Arsyta Dewi Tri Cahyani, Prahardika Prihananto, Mushonnifun Faiz Sugihartanto, Fadila Isnaini

Pages 1541-1555 Received: 01 Oct, 2024 Revised: 04 Nov, 2024 Published Online: 14 Dec, 2024
People’s need for telecommunications continues to increase every year. Many companies have sprung up to take advantage of this opportunity based on this need. This causes competition among companies competing to provide the best service, competitive prices, and improve their image. This study investigates the factors influencing repurchase intention among Generation Y and Z mobile operator users, focussing on e-service quality, brand image, price competitiveness, product quality, and subscription plans. This study provides insights into the dynamics of consumer behavior in the telecommunications industry, particularly among younger generations. This study was conducted in Indonesia using online surveys to collect data. A quantitative survey was employed to gather data from a sample of mobile users in Generations Y and Z. Multinomial logistic regression analysis examines the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The study results show that price competitiveness and subscription plans significantly affect repurchase intention. E-service and product quality have a semi-significant effect on repurchase intention. Meanwhile, brand image negatively affects repurchase intention. This study sheds new light on offering mobile operators’ valuable insights into enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately informing strategic marketing initiatives tailored to the preferences and behaviors of Generation Y and Z consumers.
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