In developing nations, the literacy rate, primary school enrollment rate, and death rate are all low, yet these variables significantly influence the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. This is because a high literacy rate and primary school enrollment rate can raise productivity and income per capita. Conversely, a low death rate ensures a fair distribution of the GDP among the population over time. The global data was retrieved from The World Bank to examine the relationship between literacy rate, primary school enrollment rate, death rate, and GDP per capita from 1978 to 2018 by using the Multiple Regression Model (MRM). The result findings for MRM show that there was a significant relationship between literacy rate, primary school enrollment rate, death rate, and GDP per capita. However, only the primary school enrollment rate is statistically significant to the multiple regressions because its p-value is less than 0.05. Furthermore, literacy and health policy were suggested to improve the literacy rate, primary school enrollment rate, and death rate to sustain economic growth, especially in developing nations.
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