International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Micro-Takaful in Sudan: Aligning Regulatory Requirements with Market Needs

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Background: Micro-takaful, a subset of takaful, has distinct characteristics from traditional takaful. However, Sudan currently applies the same regulations to both micro-takaful and traditional takaful and insurance. Objective: This study aims to review Sudanese micro-takaful laws and regulations to determine their alignment with current micro-takaful practices. Methodology: The study employed content analysis to systematically review guidelines in relevant regulations and laws, including papers on micro-takaful and family takaful guidelines, to assess their alignment with micro-takaful practices. Findings: The findings show that Sudanese requirements for micro-takaful operations align with core micro-takaful principles: availability, affordability, value, transparency, and simplicity. Conclusion: Current Sudanese micro-takaful regulations align well with the essential characteristics of micro-takaful, meeting the needs of the target market. Implications: While existing regulations are appropriate, further research into broader distribution channels is needed to harmonise the rules and address the public’s lack of trust in insurance and takaful.
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