International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Specialized Marketing Capabilities as a Partial Mediator to Architectural Marketing Capabilities and Small Business Performance

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There is very little empirical research that discusses the role of Architectural marketing capabilities (AMC), Specialized marketing capabilities (SMC) in improving the business performance (BP) of SMEs retail fashion in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to test the empirical model of the relationship between these three constructs. 361 survey data for SMEs retail fashion managers were taken as a sample from 10 regions in Indonesia. The literature study that produced three hypotheses was then tested using a structural equation model (SEM) with Amos 22.0. The results show that there is a direct and indirect influence between AMC and SMC and BP. In this context, SMC has a very important role as a partial mediator in the relationship between AMC and BP. Empirical studies are expected to complement and broaden views on marketing capabilities, particularly those related to SMEs.
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In-Text Citation: (Hendar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hendar, H., Winarsih, W., Rahman, B. A., & Ghani, A. A. (2021). Specialized Marketing Capabilities as a Partial Mediator to Architectural Marketing Capabilities and Small Business Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(18), 36–52.