Poor project success in work delay among real estate development projects still happening in Malaysia according to statistical records from Ministry of Housing and Local Government Malaysia, despite the evolution and availability of various project management methods in literature (AlSehaimi, Koskela, & Tzortzopoulos, 2013). Therefore there is a need for localized alternatives research approach in project management. The aim of the local alternative research approach is to examine the factors that contribute to reduce project delays by focusing on a number of key factors such as financial factors, in specific, the importance of in depth study of these factors in real estate developer in Selangor, Malaysia. This study also investigated whether the demographic characteristics of the respondents contributed to the assessment differences identified with the success factors of the project. The target group of the study consisted of project managers affiliated with Real Estate Developers in Selangor, Malaysia. A total of 50 respondents were selected for the survey. The result is to develop a conceptual model that could contribute to improve in reducing project delay by studying the financial causes of delay factor specifically in Selected Real Estate Development Company in Selangor, Malaysia with a localized alternative research approach and not a one size fit all conceptual model.
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In-Text Citation: (Shen & Sammani, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Shen, T. T., & Sammani, D. (2022). The Significance of Localized Financial Factors Which Contribute To Support in Decreasing Project Delay of Real Estate Developer in Selangor, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2681–2689.
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