This study used Lussier’s model (1995) to identify the level of economic well-being of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia’s (AIM) borrowers in the variables of entrepreneurial thinking, entrepreneurial behaviour and entrepreneurial competency. This study used quantitative analysis based on survey research design involving a sample 641 respondents in Terengganu. The alpha reliability value of the whole variable ranges from 0.860 to 0.911. Quantitative data was depicted using mean scores, percentages, standard deviations, ANOVAs and multiple regressions. Correlation analysis showed that there is a strong relationship between entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurial competency with the level of economic well-being of the borrowers while there is a weak relationship between entrepreneurial behaviour and the level of family economic well-being of the borrowers. The implications of this study’s suggest that AIM funding should be continued but some weaknesses need to be improved especially from the aspect of education and training for the AIM borrowers. While the implications of this study’s theory show that Bird’s Entrepreneurial Competency Theory (1995) and Nor Aishah’s Entrepreneurial Thinking Model (2010; 2007) has proven that entrepreneurial competency and entrepreneurial thinking have a profound effect on the success factors of AIM borrowers in Terengganu.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamed & Hussi, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mohamed, N. A., & Hussi, M. (2022). Factors of Entrepreneurial Thinking, Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Factor of Entrepreneurial Competency on the Success of AIM Entrepreneurs in the Aspect of Household Economic Well-Being. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2612–2616.
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