The formation of Universal Social Moral Values (USMV) is considered as one of the backbone of the Malaysian education curriculum to create harmonious individuals living in the society regardless of religion, race and belief. Nevertheless, the inculcation of these social moral values is not clearly seen in the Arabic grammar curriculum even though the main source for the curriculum comes from the al-Quran, which is loaded with values. On that account, this research analyses verses of the al-Quran containing USMV. At the same time, this research attempts to prove the universality of these values, the matching of community values according to the major religions in Malaysia such as Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. To achieve these objectives, a qualitative approach through content analysis is used to describe the USMV that takes place deductively and inductively in the al-Quran. The findings of the study reveal that Mutual Respect and Humility are two universal social moral values in the Malaysian context that may be used as curriculum material for Arabic-Quranic Grammar in the framework of value-based education.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, M. Z., Musling, M. N., & Rahman, M. R. A. (2022). The Universality of Mutual Respect and Humility in the Al-Quran: Towards the Construction of a Value-Based Arabic Grammar. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2593–3611.
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