Social networking sites have a significant influence on the user’s behaviors. Previous researches related to social media and tourism focused on social media’s role that it plays in the whole process of travel. Social media usually plays an influential part in the whole process of deciding the pre-trip phase. The information associated with the tourism destinations has a substantial impact on satisfaction of the customers having access to social media. This topic is emerging, so the literature is limited in investigating the existing relationship that is between tourism and social media. This study aims to figure out how user-generated content (UGC) influence the tourist’s satisfaction in the pre-trip period in Pakistan. The quantitative survey method used and through online surveys data collected from social media (Facebook) users who were the members of the Facebook tourism groups in Pakistan. The results showed that UGC has a strong influence on tourist’s satisfaction in the pre-purchase period. People get satisfied with the user-generated content in pre-trip phase. The satisfaction of the consumers in the pre-purchase period of tourism plays a significant role in the tourism market. This research will help the tourism market and Users who generate content for social media in better understanding the user’s behaviors in the pre-purchase period of tourism.
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In-Text Citation: (Khan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Khan, A., Senin, A. A., Zulfiqar, U., & Ashfaq, J. (2022). Influence of User Generated Content (UGC) on Tourist Satisfaction in Pre-Purchase Period of Tourism in Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(1), 2397–2406.
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