International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Comparison of Service Quality in Public and Private Clubs in Lorestan Province using SRERVQUAL Model

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This study aimed to compare the service quality of public and private clubs in lorestan province using SRERVQAL model. This was a descriptive- survey field study. The population consisted of 310 subjects including the managers and costumers of private and public clubs. The research tool was two questionnaires: standard questionnaire (a= 0/81) which was used for studying the expectations and perceptions of consumers and researcher made questionnaire which was used for determining the five gaps rate of SERVQUAL model. Their validity and reliability was confirmed by professors. The results showed that there was great difference between public and private clubs in all dimensions of service quality (appearance /objective factors/validity/responsibility/trust)(P<0.001). The service quality in private clubs was higher. The Friedman test was used to rank the dimensions of service quality in private and public clubs. It showed the same results for both clubs in term of five factors of service quality. Also the comparison of gaps rate at significance level of (p<0.05) showed that there was significant difference between private and public clubs (p<0/001). However, it can be said that the gap rate in private clubs was considerably less than the gap rate in public clubs.